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Represent you, our children, and our community.


Advance CCS' continued pursuit of academic achievement and innovation.
Foster cooperative relationships between parents, educators, and administration.



One of my earliest memories is of Ms. Wolosoff’s second-grade classroom. I wasn’t always comfortable in who I was and around others. Yet she created an environment where I felt I could be myself, and which looking back now, was incredibly valuable. Ms. Wolosoff connected with each student individually, academically and developmentally. She worked to bring us together as a cohesive group, all while respecting our differences of opinion and our various learning styles and abilities. 


Her classroom and educational leadership were gifts to me then and now. I want all of Carmel's students to experience the same in their classes and schools.

I’m sure you can conjure your own memories of school – the smile your favorite teacher greeted you with each day, the playground where you mastered the monkey bars, the eraser residue lining your algebra quiz, the smell of the chemistry lab after an eventful experiment, the feeling of walking into a cafeteria when you were “the new kid.”

Outside of the home, school is where childhood happens. It’s where children learn to navigate relationships, to juggle responsibilities, to consider complex ideas, to test their limits, and to find their passions. It’s a place where children of different places, races, religions and backgrounds learn from the past, make sense of the present, and prepare for the future.

I believe all children deserve an education that imparts honesty about who we are and integrity in how we treat others. Children are not passive beings to be molded; they are individuals who deserve the freedom to learn and boldly pursue their dreams. 

Through my professional work, I’ve had the privilege to meet and work with educators from school districts across the country. That’s why I can confidently say that CCS has some of the most talented, dedicated educators I’ve ever seen. Our community and our children are lucky to benefit from their passion and expertise – we should trust them to serve our students and their best interests.

As a regular CCS School Board meeting attendee and Yes for CCS volunteer, I have noticed an increase in partisan rhetoric when discussing academics, programs and ways in which we can best support our students in CCS. I firmly believe supporting our public schools is not a partisan issue and our children deserve the best opportunities to find success; academically, socially and developmentally.


That’s why I’m running: to represent you, our children, and our community. Join me.

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